sábado, 26 de março de 2011


I talk to someone for the first time always ask: What is your religion?

Muslims ask if I'm a Muslim,  Spiritualists ask if I'ma spiritualist,evangelicals if I'm evangelical, Buddhists ask if I am a Buddhist andso on.
Always say the same thing, I'm spiritual I believe in God above allthings and over all religions. There is a phrase that I like"God, for the happiness of man, invented the faith and love. Thedevil, envious, made ​​man confuse religion with faith and love withmarriage. " (Machado de Assis)
Some time ago I spoke with a religious friend and he said Cleo youneed to convert to this particular religion just because it is true andleads us to God, there is no other way he would say.
It would be so unfair that God would save only a small group of people of a certain religion?
I said, If all people of their religion are fair and worthy charitableperfect I'd say that's a perfect religion that leads to God,But I know people who say his religion, kill, steal, rape and use the name of religion in which I will not cite the nameBut it says that a non-religious and even "atheist" has compassion, lends to the needy gives himself to the extent that you can love your neighbor as yourself, respect the differences and even animals.
Puts me in doubt alias shows me the true essence of life and human being who we are.
He nodded and replied, "Yes Cleo the essence is in humans someare good and others are hiding behind religion to wrongdoing.
I have long studied the religions, the conclusion I have is that they alltrace their methods to get closer to God, each one has its owndoctrine, inspired by someone who came in the past and that was the inspiration for these people, such as Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Siddhartha Gautama,
 Allan Kardec and others ...
Served as an example of what is to do good and that the practiceleads, or will take us one day to be with God.
Not a blind faith meaningless, but I believe that faith with philosophyand science, to get an idea that "almost" everything around us andyet what is coming.
In all religions talk about not judging others, but everyone says thepractice is quite different ...

That would be good if people had just a little more love and stop being ego-centered, they would see a wider world and full of possibilities and would go out of their shells and their limited minds...

Think about it

Cléo Merello

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