domingo, 26 de dezembro de 2010


You've probably heard that "words have power." But would you believe that statement? What you do not know is that his thoughts and beliefs about life and circumstances may influence their ways and get what they want.

If we understand once and for all that we claim are our daily thoughts and feelings, we must re-educate the way we want, beginning with what we really want to attract. Moreover, "words have power" is already a statement, because who utters this phrase and who really believe in it, is giving credence to the idea, making the words really have power.
Besides voice, another process that some people use to perpetuate the personal difficulties is the writing. Send emails to friends or family to tell them the problems of the week, for example, is a way to affirm them and, worse, record them and store them. The written word has as much power as the spoken. It is interesting that when you write something, it is easier to realize that. Just read and reread the message to take effect. Think about it when writing the cards, messages or virtual Christmas with your friends and family
The statements, both positive and negative, open doors. They are the starting point of the path to the changes in your life. Everything you say or write, today and tomorrow they will be assertions. When someone tells you to be careful what you wish for - because you can get - it is an indisputable fact, as the words reveal our intentions to the world. If you say: "My health is bad," will be perpetuating a sad picture about the physical or mental problems. Another example is when we guarantee "I will not go through heartbreak," denying any kind of experience that lies outside the control of the situation, but we understand that this is an attitude of someone who is afraid to go through any emotional experience that deviates from the relationship comfort zone or what we consider right. The correct thing to say "I live my love with intense security and sincerity", maintaining a positive stance on the novel and excluding any fear that might compromise routine affective.


But say or write what you want or believe is only part of the process. It is important to give careful attention to what you think and do throughout the day, because their mindset is essential to activate the changes you want to feel or see through the statements. When we are sad or emotionally "charged", it becomes harder to believe the claims we utter. It's like saying "I'm happy 24 hours a day" at the bottom and being preoccupied with work, children or even with the affective relationship. Therefore it is essential that you hold a position of "attack" on the daily conflicts to make sure that there are still forces to rebuild and fight for positive change. Then, with clarity and conviction that you direct your life in every moment, you can choose words and phrases that can transform routine and way of seeing the world and get him the best, always.

We must reeducate our words, and especially our desires. They are the key to solidify positive changes. Here are some statements that certainly gives you automatically and that should be adopted, even though it may seem difficult at first. Affirm is a way of persuading to change the reality in our favor.

"I'm fat and I can not lose weight" Replace with "I love my body and it becomes every day more beautiful"

 "I hate my job, I wanted something better" Replace with "Wonderful opportunities follow me all the time"

 "My friends do not care me "Replace with" My circle of friends is sincere and harmonious every day, "

" Never get what I want "Replace with" daily I attract whatever you desire "

Experiment with these principles so negative that you are internalized by statements in free and extremely positive start for 2011. They can operate transformations that start on your way to experiencing everyday life - since everything is seen with eyes more patient and optimistic - and then they are perceived in their relationships with people close to mastering the environments you frequent. Keep an emotional and mental attitude that prioritizes the best that life can offer is a healthy practice that ensures good results in their way of communicating and getting what you want. Use words with more responsibility and make them serve you to bring even more joy this new year. They undoubtedly have power. How about you find out?

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